Agent Query offers writers a literary touchstone. We want every writer posing as
an accountant, office manager, bus driver, police officer, housewife, flight
attendant, or juvenile delinquent to know that their story has a chance to be
something more than a shameful, indulgent escape— pages hidden in desk drawers
that only see the light of day in whimsical dreams of publication.
is not a dream. Extraordinary stories written by ordinary people are sold every
day to major publishing houses. Literary agents make these sales a reality.
For this reason, Agent Query offers the largest, most current
searchable database of literary agents on the web—a treasure
trove of reputable, established literary agents seeking writers just like you.
And it's free (not because there's a catch, but simply because not enough
things in this world are free).
We know that searching for the right literary agent takes hours of research and
cross-checking, so leave the trolling to us. You go write and rewrite until
your heart bursts, your hands bleed, and you've exhausted yourself with your
own literary brilliance. Then, only then, will the publishing world be ready
for you.
-Agent Query Founders & Dreamers